Thursday, September 13, 2007

If you believe they put a man on the moon

I always thought it was more of an urban myth than anything else that some people actually don't believe that we've gone to the moon, but after a recent dinner party conversation gone awry, I now know differently. So far, it's only been females that I've encountered who hold this belief. The reasons for their skepticism is as varied as they are crazy and far too tedious for this junior detective to recite, so I won't.
What is the why for this harebrained notion? I don't know, has a whole generation of our young women somehow been lead astray? Did they all go to different schools? Have the Bush years so warped their faith in the honesty of government that now every big thing is suspect?
Who knows?

But hell, maybe they're right. Who am I to judge? I've bet on Auburn the last two weeks and lost mightily and I'm pretty damn sure I'll bet em' again this weekend.

Anyway, my mind was set to pondering all this after reading a story about Google's moon trip contest.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

These Days

REM's new album is set to be released and having listened to many of the new tracks by virtue of my close professional relationship with the band, I can tell you that they are hella strong. And for all those ditsy fans, long suffering, like sick dogs for some of their former magic you will be howling with nothing less than pure pleasure when the new record finally drops. So until then people just content yourselves with a little bit of this

Monday, July 30, 2007

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Cutout Daddies

This would be freakin' hilarious if it were a joke but unfortunately it's the sad truth and as such it's kind of depressing the hell out of me.

The Flat Daddies ride in cars, sit at the dinner table, visit the dentist,
and even are brought to confession, according to their significant others on the
home front.

``I prop him up in a chair, or sometimes put him on the couch and cover
him up with a blanket," said Kay Judkins of Caribou, whose husband, Jim, is a
minesweeper mechanic in Afghanistan. ``The cat will curl up on the blanket, and
it looks kind of weird. I've tricked several people by that. They think he's
home again."

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Global Warming Hits Critical Mass

The summer of 2006 will likely go down as the moment in American politics when global warming ceased being a matter of debate and firmly became one of accepted fact. To be sure there will always be now and in the future plenty of polictians beholden to their special interests and big energy masters, mostly Republicans, who will refuse to acknowledge the truth and will carry on crying foul in matters of global warming. Even as the world burns, they will persist in telling us that the earth is flat. Just like the crazy Oklahoma senator, James Inofe, who continues to insist that global warming is some kind of grand liberal scam. This screw loose republican in 2003 took to the senate floor with this absurd statement.

"much of the debate over global warming is predicated on fear, rather than science." I called the threat of catastrophic global warming the "greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people,"

And just recently he followed that beauty up with another fine gem, comparing global warming to Nazis. Even last week, another prominent Republican house member stated that if the GOP retains control after the November elections then under no circumstance will there be any legislation taken up with respect to global warming.

But these last mouth breathing-knuckle dragging holdouts will increasingly be in the minority as the even the most stubborn headed wingnuts of the Republican party begin to sense the urgency of the issue and more importantly for the them the political peril of ignoring it.

The issue of global warming itself is one that has been hanging around the backs of most people's minds for years now, getting all kinds of press--but in a way that has made it all too easy and convenient to ignore or just dismiss outright. Almost every story about global warming has been incorrectly 'balanced' with the caveat that not 'all scientist agree' with the charge that man made activity is responsible for the continuing rise in the earth's temperature.

Among scientist and experts, however, there is no debate about the reality and immediacy of global warming as a planetary threat. Unfortunately the failure of the press to accurately characterize the global warming debate has given its opponents that little bit of cover necessary that they may carry on, with at least a modicum of credibility, with their the jury is still out defenses.

The obfuscation of the threat, in this way, coupled with a dogged campaign of misinformation disseminated by those who see the inevitable regulatory constraints of curbing global warming as a threat to their feathered nests has kept the issue from getting the critical attention it deserves. Add to that all the confusion and chaos of shock and awe wars and endless terrorist plots and conspiracies and the issue has become even further lost. But, alas no mas.

Fortunately for planet earth ten of thousands of scientist, experts and everyday individuals from around the world have been working diligently to not only raise awareness of global warming as an issue but working for the answers to solve this climate crisis and now in the summer of 2006, with a crush of high profile events, their moment is here.

First, came Al Gore's eye-opening documentary, An inconvenient Truth, and then just days ago, the surprising announcement by British Prime Minister Tony Blair and goofy California Governor Arnold Schwazanegger of a pact to reduce global warming, which was followed shortly thereafter by the announcement of Bill Clinton's worldwide 223 city global warming initiative.

Expect much more of these kinds of announcements in the next couple of years, especially after Bush leaves office, because whether it's a Republican or Democrat who succeeds him, the United States will in a New York minute have a new global warming policy.

This presents a great political opportunity for Democrats--having been on the correct side of the debate for so long their bona fides on the issue are unquestionable and as we as a nation begin the task of confronting global warming the need for informed leaders will emerge. Our necessary response will be all encompassing; transforming our society towards a more eco-friendly environment will require a massive retooling of the nation's infrastructure-- which in the process will create many new industries which in turn will become the fount for tens of thousands of new jobs.

So as much as global warming presents a threat , it is also presents a huge opportunity for this country in much the same way that World War II was a boon to the economy so too can global warming be a huge economic boost.

And as much as this issue is a winner for Democrats, it's nothing less than political gold for Al Gore, who is now arguably the most famous expert on global warming. His prescience on this issue and so many others such as the rise of the internet, the first Gulf War, he was rightly for it when the Democrats were against it and the second Gulf War, he was rightly against it when the Democrats were for it and a host of many other hot-button issues of the day. That coupled with the inevitable side by side comparisons with the hapless George Bush make him look like such the visionary genius--that he may very well be. And a smart, informed leader is exactly what America needs at this time. And really can we afford anything less?

James Carville recently observed that maybe the reason why some many people dislike Al Gore is because he has been right some many times. Well perhaps, but with all the destruction wrought by America's current winner of who they rather have a beer with contest, I think it's high time as a nation we got our priorities together when selecting our leaders and based our choices on more meaningful, substantive issues rather than who might make a good drinking buddy.